Live Life Full Force

Empower Women to Embrace Resilience, Wellness and Purposeful Living

I help people find their passion for LIFE

Live for Today ~ Your Not Promised Tomorrow


This involves cultivating inner strength to bounce back from challenges, set backs and adversity. We develop a positive mindset, practice self care, setting realistic goals and learn from past experiences. These are skills that need to be nurtured over time through practice and perseverance.


I incorporate epigenetic testing into my coaching it is highly beneficial as it empowers you to understand how lifestyle choices and environment interact with your genes. You gain valuable insights into how factors like diet, movement, stress management and sleep patterns can impact gene expression and overall well-being. You take control of your destiny!

Purposeful Living

Aligning your actions, values, and goals with a sense of meaning and fulfillment. It's identifying what matters most to you and pursuing activities that contribute to your sense of purpose and fulfillment. This involves intentional decision making, self reflection and a commitment to personal growth.

Tell me if any of this resonates with you...

Make yourself a PRIORITY ~ Say YES to you!


You think about the fact that it's time for a change your life

Take the first step toward a more fulfilled future by acknowledging that its time for change in your life. Embrace the journey ahead with courage, determination and excitement!


You understand that you deserve more than you have now

Understanding your worth is the first step towards unlocking the doors to a more fulfilling life. Recognizing that you deserve more than what you currently have, empowers you to pursue your dreams with confidence. Its about embracing self-love and realizing that you are worthy of abundance, happiness, wellness and success. Believe in yourself and the endless possibilities that await as you embark on this life you deserve.


You want to live the way you want!

Yearning to live life on your terms is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and fulfillment. Embracing this desire means embracing
authenticity and taking ownership of your choices. It's about breaking free from societal expectations and embracing the unique path that resonates with your passions, values, and aspirations. Living life on your terms empowers you to shape your reality and create a life that truly reflects who you are at your core.

If you said “yes” to any of the above, then you’re in the right place!

Collaborating together towards a better life!

“Its a journey of shared commitment and support."

What I live for and how I can be useful to you

I am dedicated to guiding you toward a healthier lifestyle and empowering your journey towards realizing your true potential while you Live Life Full Force

My life

I am a resilient wife to a retired military spouse. Proud mother of two wonderful independent adult children and a Nonna. I have faced my share of challenges including what I call the battle of the decades. Despite hoping for a decade free of health issues I was blindsided by covid pneumonia with slim odds of survival. Three months later, against all odds, I emerged alive but unable to walk or talk. committing to my recovery, I spent a year diving deep into my health and this experience reinforced the preciousness of life and importance of embracing it fully, living with unwavering determination.


I am a certified Speaker, Coach and Trainer for Maxwell Leadership Team, I am an Empowered Living Ambassador for Paul Martinelli, Brendon Burchard's Ultra, Experts Academy and High Performance Academy, Ed Mylett, Tony Robbins UPW and Breakthrough, Grant Cardone 10X Growth Conference, Pete Vargas 10X Stages Workshop and Speaking on Stage. Eric Worre's Go Pro Recruiting Mastermind and Go Pro, Most Powerful Women Network Marketing 2021 & 2023, Emily Ford ItsEmily Method, Danette May, Maya Comerota, Brian Mayoral.


Means prioritizing your health and well being while fearlessly pursuing your passions. Its about embracing every opportunity with an open heart, saying "yes" to what brings you joy, and confidently saying "no" to what doesn't align with your values or desires. Its a commitment to living authentically, wholeheartedly and without hesitation, allowing you to thrive and become the best version of yourself.

My hobbies

Always working on my own personal development, Constantly looking for ways to be healthier with organic foods and non toxic products, and I love Genealogy and playing with my grandson.

Coach for a Coach

Empowered by the mentorship of elite coaches, I understand the value of continuous growth and support. Even the most seasoned coaches recognize the importance of having a guiding hand to help navigate challenges and unlock new levels of potential.

My projects

I will be co author and lead sponsor for Born to Risk, I'll also be co author to Spiritual Fitness Survivor 5th Edition. I am also working on another 2 books. I've been speaking on podcasts and Virtual Summits so make sure to check those out and I'll have a link soon to pre order the books as they are available.


Jodie and I have been friends for over 20 years. Her love for life, and the people around her is immense. Because of this, she has chosen a path to help people become healthier through mind and body. Jodie‘s body has been through a lot and she fought for her life through a bout of Covid. This fight has led her to become a stronger person, and I believe has led her to this path of helping people also become stronger. Jodie is kind, knowledgeable, helpful and has one of the most positive attitudes of anybody I’ve met. I am very glad to call her my friend and wish her much luck and success on her journey to help others.


Kara Santti , NH

I have known Jodie for several years. We first met when we were part of a fun health and exercise group. We stayed in touch and became closer during Jodie’s health issues.

Jodie and I have several things in common. I enjoy spending time with her. She is very knowledgeable in several areas. Jodie has helped me with sharing her tips and expertise in a way that is easy to understand and how to execute. Anyone who works with Jodie will receive great training and support!


Joellyn Martin, TX

Call 1-855-941-0988


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